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Summer Social Bowls
During the Summer all rinks are available to be booked independently in the usual way.
If you would like to play with others you may enjoy the social group in the Summer
These sessions are run through whatsapp - Games can be arranged to suit.
Please contact Sue Bede if you would like to be added to this, or you can contact her by email.
Telephone: 07539 260 050
Winter Social Bowls
There are social bowls sessions every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 12pm-2pm throughout the Winter. There is no need to book, just arrive at the bowls club by 11.40am.
These sessions are organised by John Brown and Sue Bede.
There is also a Winter Friday Night Social League that runs between September and April, starting at 6.15pm to 8.15pm. As with other social sessions you do not need to book, just turn up by 6.00pm and register your interest with Tina Howe. There is a League table produced for this event that is published weekly on the club website.
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